I'm leaaaavvvinnnnggg on a jet plaaaannneee, don't know when I'll be baack agaiiinn~~~
This dog has more
flight hours logged than I do... |
I resolved to do a couple of things this year, and although I did not achieve any of these goals in exactly the way that I imagined I would have, they are nonetheless achieved.
Get out of my crappy dead-end job!
I realized after nearly two years of hard work put into a company that I was exactly the same place I was in when I started the job, and it looked like the next two years would be the same as well. I was working for my job to stay the exact same. I needed a job that worked for me, where the people brought me up and motivated me, supported me. I found that job. I took that job. The job had amazing earning potential. I did awesome at that job. I
quit that job. You probably are questioning my sanity right now... don't worry, I've done enough of that for the both of us. "Why would you leave the exact thing you were looking for in a job?!". The reason I left what seemed like the perfect job is because of the most frequently used three letter word in this paragraph. J-O-B. I was in another job. Though I was very close to what I wanted, it was another job, and in two or three years my search would start over if I stayed with them. So,
NEW YEARS RESOLUTION #1 COMPLETE. I am not only done with my crappy dead-end job, I'm done with crappy dead-end jobs in general... it's career time for me.
That being said... if everyone on earth worked at least
six months in the service industry... there would be no war...
and most importantly... I will have
toilets that always flush g*d-d*mnit!! |
This year is the last year I will lease!
I had fully intended to fulfil this new years resolution closer to November or December of this year... I wanted to move forward into a place of my own, I was tired of sitting around in an "okay" living space, paying somebody elses mortgage. Life is crazy though and will move along at it's own pace. It's not even May and I am lease free! Through the graces of my exceptionally understanding landlords, I am free of the hold of a contractual lease and at no penalty to my income. I cannot say for sure at this point in time if it is the last time I will ever lease a place, it may become necessary again in the future. I am now wiser though, I will approach the situation with appropriate caution and most importantly I have learned that some things are much easier to do than they are to undo. With that,
I'm going to focus more on myself!
This one definitely came about in a most unexpected way. I had made this resolution as more of a cliche 'I'm going to exercise more, and eat healthy' B.S. typical new years resolution. My life was already in jeopardy at this point though, and focusing more on myself was going to be more of a life-or-death situation than I realized. In the first three months of 2012 I strayed as far away from this resolution as I possibly could. I don't know who or what or where I was at that point in time. It all came to a head when I was faced with a decision to either continue on the path I was heading, the path of least resistance... which would lead to my death. Or I could stand up and start fighting, it hurt like hell and I had a face that was bruised enough to prove it... but I stood up and started fighting for myself. I called out for help, and that was the difference between life and death. I have had more people than I can count abandon me for taking this path, but ultimately they are just distractions from what really matters.
no... I don't have a funny picture for this one.
I'm currently unemployed, I've had several possessions stolen this year, I almost died, I broke lease with my landlord, I was with a cheating and abusive ex, I had a friend from kindergarten abandon me.... the funny thing is, this has been the most amazing year of my life. I've driven the entire trans-canada highway! I've got an awesome new (and huge!) tattoo for free! I've seen the ocean and the great lakes! I found a calling in caring for animals! In four hours I will be on my first plane ride ever!
Happy Days Readers