I'm gonna start up another blog that's a little more light-hearted, links to come once its up and running
I've found something I love doing and in doing that I have excelled quickly at it. I am well on the path of healing and am so strong in what I am doing now. I had a lovely visit a friend I graduated from highschool with. shes going on her own path of healing right now. she looks amazing and I realized something...
So do I!
I look freaking fantastic. I'm still doing what I want and living for me.
I think a large part of the reduced blog postings is I have finished the healing I needed that was facilitated by this.
I'll still come and chat with you lovely people every now and then. but I think I'm going to keep up my writing by doing something a little more 'fun' for me.
...stay tuned for links!
(also I have added a guest writer who may post anything they feel relevant to the "happiness is..." blog.)
Happy days readers